Gradle Compatibility

Melanee Group
2 min readApr 12, 2021
Gradle Copmatibility

When you are going to create your android flutter app, you must notice that your Gradle version is compatible with your android Gradle Plugin.

You can find the Gradle plugin in the dependencies as a classpath in the android folder in android studio.

gradle compatinility

You can find the Gradle version in this path: android<gradle<wrapper<

“plugin with id ‘’ not found”.

Here is the android Gradle plugin and Gradle version compatibility table:

“plugin with id ‘’ not found”.
Gradle version and Gradle plugin compatibility table

Gradle is an open-source build automation tool that is designed to build different types of software.

When your Gradle version is not compatible with Gradle plugin you will face errors such as:

"plugin with id '' not found".

I faced this error when I was installing firestore in my app😥.

Hope this post helps you🙆‍♀️ and if you find this article useful you can follow our Medium account and share the link of this page with your friends.

Writer: Melanee

contact melanee: GitHub

